Tracking Antenna
Another excellent product made with the collaboration of our partner company, POAM Electronics, is the ATS series tracking antenna with 60 d/s rotation speed. These are professional-grade fast-moving tracking antennas featuring an El over Az mount without a Zenith Keyhole, making them suitable for both receive (Rx) and receive/transmit (Rx/Tx) applications. ATS antennas effectively operate across all frequency bands from L to Q/V bands and are typically used for the following applications:
EOS- Earth Observation Satellites
DB- Direct Broadcast
Tracking LEO and MEO satellites
TT&C - general satellite up-link and down-link telemetry, including microsats
Radar applications for advanced meteorological and environmental analysis
Tracking Radar and fast-moving object tracking
and many more...
​ Please contact our technical team to discuss the best option for your application.
Fully motorized rotational mount (without Zenith Keyhole).
Choose an Antenna Size from 2m to 5.5m
High-speed motors up to 60°/s
Optional Carbon fibre Composite reflector with Surface Accuracy <0.2 mm
Tracking Accuracy <0.01°
Custom-made horn for Rx or Tx/Rx application.
Variable speed motors and integrated Driver controller.
High-resolution absolute encoders and Limit switches safety mechanism.
User-friendly control software.
50-meter control cable ( or fibre optics link).
One-year warranty and 10-year part supply.
NPM (None Penetrating Mount)
Cryogenic system
Heating system
Customized feed system
Integrating Transmitting Power Amplifier and receiver units
Training and installation services on site.
RF to fibre converter and fibre links.

Manual (pdf)